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Posts tagged with ‘health and wellness’

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    tips to improve your mental health

    Tips to improve your mental health

    How to improve your mental health.

    Mental health is crucial to our well-being. Taking care of it will help you feel happier, more productive, and better able to cope with life’s challenges. This blog post will explore tips for improving your mental health.

    1. Practice Self-Care
    Self-care is essential for good mental health. Make time for activities you enjoy, such as reading, bathing, or spending time with friends.

    Eat a healthy diet (cut down or eliminate alcohol, no smoking, drink 2L of water daily, eat a balanced diet), sleep well (6 hours of sleep daily), and exercise regularly (30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week is the standard). Taking care of yourself can help you feel better both physically and mentally. 

    Part of self-care is knowing your body, taking note of changes in your physical features. Visit the hospital promptly when you feel anything unusual.

    2. Connect with others
    Connecting with others promotes mental health. Spend time with friends and family, join a social group or participate in community activities. Finding time to bond with others can help you feel supported and less isolated.

    3. Manage stress
    Stress can hurt mental and physical health. Try relaxation methods such as deep breathing and meditation to manage your mood. Make time for activities that help you relax, such as yoga or a massage.

    4. Seek Professional Help
    If you’re struggling with your mental health, get professional help. A trained mental health person will support and guide you to health. They will provide treatment where necessary and help you cope.

    5. Practice gratitude
    Practice gratitude to improve your mental health. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, such as your health, family, or job. Focus on the things going well in your life and the positives around you to boost your mood and improve your outlook on life.

    6. Limit Social Media and News Consumption
    Social media and news can be overwhelming and stressful. Reduce your consumption of social media and news to reduce stress and anxiety. Instead, focus on natural activities and things that bring you joy and relaxation.


    Your mental health is essential for your overall well-being. By practicing self-care, connecting with others, managing stress, seeking professional help, practicing gratitude, and limiting social media and news consumption, you can improve your mental health.

    Identify stressors around you and learn to cope with or avoid them where possible to feel better emotionally, physically and mentally. See a healthcare provider if your stress levels are rising without apparent physical symptoms.

    Need to speak with a medical professional? Please call +234 703 620 2190 (Omole) or +234 706 837 2987 (Adeniyi Jones) for bookings and appointments to see a doctor. You can also walk into Mother and Child Hospital at 2 Omole Layout, Ogunnusi Road, Ojodu or 39 Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State.

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    importance of healthy eating lifestyle

    Importance of healthy eating

    Why maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is important.

    Eating healthy is one of the most important things you can do for your body and mind.

    A good diet is essential for a healthy weight and reduces the chance of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. In addition to these physical benefits, eating healthy can increase your energy levels, productivity and mood. Couple a good diet with consistent exercise, and you’ll notice a positive change in your mind and body. 

    A nutrient-dense and whole foods-rich diet supplies your body with energy to function at its best. You feel more alert, focused, and productive throughout the day.

    For a pregnant woman, eating from all food groups helps meet the high nutrients you and your baby need. Likewise, a breastfeeding mother is her baby’s vital source of nutrition.

    Finally, eating healthy can help you live a longer, happier life. By reducing chronic disease risk and improving your well-being, a healthy diet helps you enjoy a higher quality of life for long.

    To start eating healthy, incorporate more vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins, and fruits into your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of salt and sugar. Additionally, drink plenty of water throughout the day.

    How to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle:
    • – Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your plate.
      – Choose whole grains over refined grains
      – Eat lean proteins such as chicken, fish, and avoid red meat
      – Limit your intake of processed things, sugary drinks, salt and sugar
      – Drink lots of water throughout the day. Stay hydrated!
      – Plan your meals ahead of time to avoid unhealthy choices when you’re hungry.
      – Pay attention to your hunger and fullness signals.
      – Avoid eating while distracted, such as while watching TV or working on your computer.
      – Cook more meals at home to have more control over the ingredients in your food.
      – Allow yourself occasional treats in moderation to avoid feeling deprived.

    Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive. Plenty of delicious and nutritious recipes can excite your taste buds and give your body the necessary nutrients. So, make changes to your diet today and enjoy a healthier life.

    Remember to do regular physical examinations, at least annually, whether or not you feel symptoms. This will tell what lifestyle changes you should make, including on your diet.

    A Consultant Endocrinologist and Dietitian are available at our facilities on appointment, and you can see a Physician following the Consultants Schedule. Please call 07036202190 (Omole) or 070683729787 (Adeniyi Jones) for details.

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    benefits of annual health checkup

    Are health checkups necessary?

    Are health checkups necessary?

    A healthcare professional should not just attend to you when you are unwell or experiencing symptoms. An annual physical examination may inform you of the state of your health, its trajectory, and how it should be regularly!

    A yearly health check-up prepares you for anything that might come up soon and reviews health changes that you may not notice in your day-to-day life.

    A Mother and Child health and wellness plan offers you a multitude of benefits:

    Preventive health: Preventative health centers on knowing where you stand with your health to plan follow-up action for your wellness. A physical examination done annually factors in things you may not regularly check. With preventive health, your physician cares for you before an issue becomes challenging to tackle.

    Maintaining Immunizations: The ideal time to bring this up with your doctor is at your yearly physical if you’re behind or want to learn more about the options.

    Lifestyle Knowledge:  Your lifestyle appears relatively easy to understand. Even if you believe that you “know yourself inside and out,” it is still essential for your physical and emotional health to discuss your lifestyle with a healthcare provider. Let’s say your stress levels are rising without any apparent physical symptoms. In such a situation, external circumstances such as work and obligations, daily schedule, child care, sleep schedule and eating patterns may impact your health.

    Assessing Your Current Medications: Patients occasionally take medications with the understanding that it won’t be a long-term solution for them. For instance, some individuals use birth control, depression, or anxiety medications to determine later on whether they still need them. However, it’s crucial to understand when, how, and whether you should stop taking medicine altogether.

    Generally, an annual physical exam helps you and the medical team, assess your health whether or not you are experiencing symptoms. It points to areas that need attention to prevent major medical emergencies or manage health conditions such as stroke.


    1. Basic Plan: Physical Blood Pressure Check, BMI, Weight check, Blood count, Blood group, Genotype, Urinalysis, Retroviral screening (HIV), Microscopy, Glucose test, ESR test, DRE test (male), physician review (to explain the results and share follow-up recommendations for your health and wellness). This package costs N40,000.

    2. Standard Plan: All Basic Plan: Urine Microalbumin, Hepatitis B & C, Screening, Thyroid function test, Chest X-ray. This package costs N60,000 for males and N70,000 for females.

    3. Standard Plus Plan: All Standard Plan, ECG, Pap Smear (female), Breast Scan (female), Stool Occult Blood, H. Pylori Test, Renal Function test (electrolyte, urea, creatine, EGFR HBA1C, PSA(male), Glaucoma Profile Test. This package costs N85,000 for males and N100,000 for females.

    4. Supreme Plan: All Standard Plus Plan, Prostate Scan (male), Carcinoembryonic Antigens, Liver function test, Lipid profile. This package costs N160,000.

    You can walk into Mother and Child Omole or Adeniyi Jones Monday – Friday, 9 am – 2 pm, for a health and wellness check. You can also call: +2347036202190 (Omole) or +23470683729787 (Adeniyi Jones) for enquiries or booking.